
yesterday was a tired day. i woke up earlier, 07.00 . hey it was saturday, usually i wake up 08.00am on the weekend wakakaka sholat subuh kelewat mulu pastinya haha.
and i spent my saturday in with my friends and....my teacher shh. i had to attended a competition.
no, it wasn't a dance competition ( oh i miss it soo! ). it was UNDANG-UNDANG DASAR NKRI 1945 DAN KETETAPAN MPR RI lohh.

waw sounds like im a smart student ya so my teacher ask me to attended that competition?
im not say if im a smart student. first my teacher just ask me to make a ' YEL-YEL ' for that competition. but after i attended technical meeting dont know why i have to attended the competition about uud 45 itu. really ya, afal uud aja kaga. tapi gue dikasih pembekalan juga sih.

yeah kmaren akhirnya lomba dan masuk tv lohhh hahaha. ngarep sih masuk RCTI atau SCTV tapi ujung2nya masuk televisi asli indonesia. tau kan apaan? gausah gue sebut ya merknya haha.
nah gue syuting dah tuh. gua duduk paling depan karna gue harus mimpin yel2 skolah gue.

dann akhirnya gue menang juara 2 lahh, yel2 juga cuma beda tipis sama yg juara 1. cuma beda 0,3. gpp lah yg penting gue abisin masa SMA gue bukan cuma sekedar gaul. tapi berprestasi juga dong? bukan cuman pacaran aja ya ga? hehe

nanti kalo udah mau tampil di tv nya gue kasih tau dah byar pd nonton haha.

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