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wherever you are, if you read this just please read it haha
im sooooo tired with this situation where every people just pay attention in one topic. you.
yes, honestly you make me very very dissapointed with you. can you imagine how sad am i when i knew if i cant see you again? i cried a lot just for you because i love you. and you know? i ask my mother to go to that placa in the very very morning just for see you for the last time! and as that reason my mom for the first time let me sleep (nginep) outside? you know how am felt very sleepy, wait for you, worry about you and what? you lying on me.

and just because of you became a trending topics in eeverywhere, my best friend and my boy just pretend like they didnt know anything about you. in fact i know they know something.
hey i just want to asked about you, what happened with you, where are you now? just it. but yes i know i just your new friends but you never know how much i care with you M.

im soo tired living in the circle of lie. can somebody tell me about the truth,

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