beautiful walking

last sunday 100 girls from my school (71) were attended ' sunsilk walk 100 menjadi 2 '.
zzz that was really a tired day. we had to walked soooooo far but it was payed by pool party yeah. eh eh banyak bgt bintang tamu yg ganteng haha.
and then we played so many games in the pool and we swam together, sliding on the waterboom, waht else ya? hmm watched ALEXA , oh yeee i forget one thing

i joined in testimonial competition. so i should to told about my opinion after using sunsilk conditioner. promotion abis haha. wanna know about my opinion? off course di lebay2in haha.

Arin : hai gue arin
Neris : gue neris. kita berdua seneng deh terlahir cewe karna idup cewe tuh warna warni banget.

Arin : iya, kayak botol sunsilk gitu deh yg warna-warni haha
Together : sensasinya itu loh eheheheh-ehehehe-(tertawa . tau ketawanya fitri di primetime. yg super lebay. ya kyk gitu tuh ketawanya)

Neris : makanya pakai sunsilk! kalo gue pake yg orange
Arin : kalo gue yang emas. rasanya enak abis deh
Neris : nah kalo mau rambut sehat pakailah sunsilk
Arin : byar kalian bisa ngerasain ehhehehe-ehehehe

hahaha sumpah najong abis kalo inget rekamanya. haha
dan yang palling bikin gue seneng?

Karna testimoni gue itu gue menang iPOD shuffle looooo. yah tapi blm smpet gue ambil iPOD nya. mdh2an aja msh bisa diambil. haha

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